Add Tripadvisor social icon support.

Icon by
This commit is contained in:
George Field 2020-08-01 15:00:22 +01:00
parent 0141851185
commit b3147e3dd8
3 changed files with 11 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ orcid = "#"
# Travel # Travel
googlemaps = "#" googlemaps = "#"
tripadvisor = "#"
``` ```

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@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ disqusShortname = ""
# Travel # Travel
googlemaps = "#" googlemaps = "#"
tripadvisor = "#"
# Menu links along the sidebar navigation. # Menu links along the sidebar navigation.
[[menu.main]] [[menu.main]]

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@ -227,6 +227,15 @@
</a> </a>
{{ end }} {{ end }}
{{ if isset .Site.Params "tripadvisor" }}
<a class="social-icon" href="{{ .Site.Params.Tripadvisor }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="Tripadvisor">
<!-- Tripadvisor icon by -->
<svg width="28px" height="28px" viewBox="0 0 50 50" version="1.1" fill="#ABABAB" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<path d="M 25 11 C 19.167969 11 13.84375 12.511719 9.789063 15 L 2 15 C 2 15 3.753906 17.152344 4.578125 19.578125 C 2.96875 21.621094 2 24.195313 2 27 C 2 33.628906 7.371094 39 14 39 C 17.496094 39 20.636719 37.492188 22.828125 35.105469 L 25 38 L 27.171875 35.105469 C 29.363281 37.492188 32.503906 39 36 39 C 42.628906 39 48 33.628906 48 27 C 48 24.195313 47.03125 21.621094 45.421875 19.578125 C 46.246094 17.152344 48 15 48 15 L 40.203125 15 C 36.148438 12.511719 30.828125 11 25 11 Z M 14 18 C 18.972656 18 23 22.027344 23 27 C 23 31.972656 18.972656 36 14 36 C 9.027344 36 5 31.972656 5 27 C 5 22.027344 9.027344 18 14 18 Z M 36 18 C 40.972656 18 45 22.027344 45 27 C 45 31.972656 40.972656 36 36 36 C 31.027344 36 27 31.972656 27 27 C 27 22.027344 31.027344 18 36 18 Z M 14 21 C 10.6875 21 8 23.6875 8 27 C 8 30.3125 10.6875 33 14 33 C 17.3125 33 20 30.3125 20 27 C 20 23.6875 17.3125 21 14 21 Z M 36 21 C 32.6875 21 30 23.6875 30 27 C 30 30.3125 32.6875 33 36 33 C 39.3125 33 42 30.3125 42 27 C 42 23.6875 39.3125 21 36 21 Z M 14 23 C 16.210938 23 18 24.789063 18 27 C 18 29.210938 16.210938 31 14 31 C 11.789063 31 10 29.210938 10 27 C 10 24.789063 11.789063 23 14 23 Z M 36 23 C 38.210938 23 40 24.789063 40 27 C 40 29.210938 38.210938 31 36 31 C 33.789063 31 32 29.210938 32 27 C 32 24.789063 33.789063 23 36 23 Z M 14 25 C 12.894531 25 12 25.894531 12 27 C 12 28.105469 12.894531 29 14 29 C 15.105469 29 16 28.105469 16 27 C 16 25.894531 15.105469 25 14 25 Z M 36 25 C 34.894531 25 34 25.894531 34 27 C 34 28.105469 34.894531 29 36 29 C 37.105469 29 38 28.105469 38 27 C 38 25.894531 37.105469 25 36 25 Z"/>
{{ end }}
</div> </div>