#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import math import subprocess import analytical from bwparser import JansenBandwidthParser # Plot the dat files generated by parselogs.py using gnuplot if __name__ == '__main__': # sensible defaults bandwidth_file = os.getenv('BW_FILE') bw_parser = None network_size = 0 if os.getenv('BW_ALGO') != "komlo": bw_parser = JansenBandwidthParser(bw_file=bandwidth_file) network_size = bw_parser.get_relay_num() else: # keep the original assumption network_size = 6500 # The analytical functions come from analytical.py # Replace 'R' in the output of that program by 'x' and replace # 'logR' by 'ceil(log(x)/log(2))'. relay_perclient_analyticals = analytical.calculate_relay_analyticals() relay_analyticals = { k: '(2500000/%s)*(%s)' % (network_size, v) for k, v in relay_perclient_analyticals.items() } client_analyticals = analytical.calculate_client_analyticals() plots = [ ('dirauth', 'Directory authorities total bytes each', 2, False, None), ('relay', 'Relay total bytes each', 4, False, None), ('relay_bf', 'Bootstrapping fallback relays bytes per bw', 6, True, None), ('relay_f', 'Non-bootstrapping fallback relays bytes per bw', 8, True, None), ('relay_b', 'Bootstrapping normal relays bytes per bw', 10, True, None), ('relay_n', 'Non-bootstrapping normal relays bytes per bw', 12, True, None), ('client', 'Client total bytes each', 14, False, None), ('client_c', 'Client circuit building times', 16, True, None), ('client_b', 'Bootstrapping client total bytes', 18, True, None), ('client_n', 'Non-bootstrapping client total bytes', 20, True, None), ('dirauth_ss', 'Directory authority total bytes each', 22, True, None), ('relay_ss', 'Relay total bytes each', 24, True, relay_analyticals), ('client_ss', 'Client total bytes each', 26, True, client_analyticals), ('relay_perclient_ss', 'Relay total bytes per client', 28, True, relay_perclient_analyticals), ('relay_ss_wide', 'Relay total bytes each', 24, True, relay_analyticals), ('client_ss_wide', 'Client total bytes each', 26, True, client_analyticals), ('relay_perclient_ss_wide', 'Relay total bytes per client', 28, True, relay_perclient_analyticals), ] dats = [ ('vanilla_none', 'Vanilla', 1), ('singlepass_merkle', 'Sing(M)', 2), ('telescoping_merkle', 'Tele(M)', 3), ('singlepass_threshsig', 'Sing(T)', 4), ('telescoping_threshsig', 'Tele(T)', 5), ] for filename, title, col, errbars, analyticals in plots: if analyticals is None: analyticals = dict() if filename == 'relay_ss_wide': ranges = 'set xrange [300:%s]\nset logscale xy\nset yrange [10000000:]' % (network_size*100) elif filename[-5:] == '_wide': ranges = "set xrange [300:%s]\nset logscale xy\nset yrange [10000:]" % (network_size*100) else: ranges = "set xrange [0:2200]\nset yrange [0:]" gpcode = """set terminal pdf font "DejaVuSans,14" size 5,2.25 set output '%s.pdf' set title '%s' %s set key out set rmargin 17 set arrow from %s, graph 0 to %s, graph 1 nohead lc 0 lw 2 set xlabel "Number of relays" set style line 1 lw 2 lc 1 pt 1 set style line 2 lw 2 lc 2 pt 1 set style line 3 lw 2 lc 3 pt 1 set style line 4 lw 2 lc 4 pt 1 set style line 5 lw 2 lc 5 pt 1 set style line 10 lw 2 lc 0 dt 2 set style line 11 lw 2 lc 1 dt 2 set style line 12 lw 2 lc 2 dt 2 set style line 13 lw 2 lc 3 dt 2 set style line 14 lw 2 lc 4 dt 2 set style line 15 lw 2 lc 5 dt 2 plot """ % (filename, title, ranges, network_size, network_size) firstplot = True for datname, title, style in dats: if not firstplot: gpcode += ", " else: firstplot = False gpcode += "'%s.dat' using 1:%d with lines ls %d title '%s'" % \ (datname, col, style, title) if errbars: gpcode += ", '%s.dat' using 1:%d:%d with errorbars ls %d notitle" % \ (datname, col, col+1, style) if datname in analyticals: gpcode += ", %s ls %d notitle" % \ (analyticals[datname], style+10) if analyticals: gpcode += ", -100 ls 10 title 'Analytical'" gp = subprocess.Popen(['gnuplot', '-'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) gp.communicate(gpcode.encode('ascii'))