package tests import ( "kerma/models" "testing" . "" ) func TestChaintip(t *testing.T) { Convey("Given a new chaintip", t, func() { blockID := models.GetGenesisBlock().GetID() var chaintip models.Chaintip Convey("When the constructor is called with a value", func() { chaintip.Construct(blockID) Convey("The value should be set", func() { So(chaintip.Type, ShouldEqual, "chaintip") So(chaintip.BlockID, ShouldEqual, blockID) }) }) Convey("When the MarshalJson is called", func() { chaintip.Construct(blockID) Convey("The canonical json and no error should be returned", func() { chaintipJSON, err := chaintip.MarshalJson() canonJSON := `{"blockid":"` + blockID + `","type":"chaintip"}` So(string(chaintipJSON), ShouldEqualJSON, canonJSON) So(err, ShouldBeNil) }) }) }) }