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* @file cpair.c
* @author Ivaylo Ivanov 11777707
* @date 08.12.2018
* @brief Main program module.
* A program that searches for the closest pair of points in a set of 2D-points
* cpair
* $ cat 1.txt
* 4.0 4.0
* -1.0 1.0
* 1.0 -1.0
* -4.0 -4.0
* $ ./cpair < 1.txt
* -1.000000 1.000000
* 1.000000 -1.000000
* The program accepts an array of 2D-points as an input from stdin. The input ends at EOF.
* The program does the following:
* - No output if the array has one point
* - The points if the array has 2 points
* - Otherwise, the array is split in 2 parts based on the mean of X and sent to 2 different paralell child processes.
* The parent watches for the return code of the children and terminates with an error if any of the children exit
* with anything other than success.
* Algorithm description when there are more than 2 points:
* - P1 and P2 are the closest pairs for the first and the second part respectively.
* - Go through all of the pairs between the points from the first half with the second half and save the shortest one in P3.
* - Compare P1, P2 and P3 and return the shortest one to stdout.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
/// Node struct for linked list
typedef struct node {
* points[0] - contains the X coordinate of the point
* points[1] - contains the Y coordinate of the point
float points[2];
struct node * next;
} node_t;
float get_x_mean(node_t * head);
float get_distance(float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2);
node_t * find_shortest_distance(node_t * list);
int wait_for_termination(pid_t child);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc > 1) {
puts("The command takes no additional arguments.");
puts("Usage: cpair");
* Create the pipe file descriptors and inititalize the pipes
* fd[0] - input side of pipe
* fd[1] - output side of pipe
int in_pipe_a[2], out_pipe_a[2], in_pipe_b[2], out_pipe_b[2];
if(pipe(in_pipe_a) < 0 || pipe(in_pipe_b) < 0 || pipe(out_pipe_a) < 0 || pipe(out_pipe_b) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed creating the pipes\n");
char * input = ""; ///< An array to save the input to
size_t input_len;
int point_num = 0; ///< Save the number of points
node_t * head = NULL;
head = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
node_t * current = head;
while(getline(&input, &input_len, stdin) > 0) { ///< Read line by line
fprintf(stderr, "pid: %d \n%s\n", getpid(), input);
/// Split the input by whitespace as delimiter
char *x = strtok(input, " ");
char *y = strtok(NULL, " ");
if(x != NULL && y != NULL) {
/// Convert to float and save to the list
current -> points[0] = strtof(x, NULL);
current -> points[1] = strtof(y, NULL);
current -> next = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
current = current -> next;
point_num++; ///< Increase the list length
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Ill-formed line found\n");
if(point_num == 1)
if(point_num == 2) {
printf("%f %f\n", head -> points[0], head -> points[1]);
printf("%f %f\n", head -> next -> points[0], head -> next -> points[1]);
pid_t child_a, child_b; ///< Create variables for the child processes
/// Create first child
switch(child_a = fork()) {
case -1:
fprintf(stderr ,"ERROR: Couldn't fork child\n");
case 0:
/// Child execution
if(dup2(in_pipe_a[0], STDIN_FILENO) != STDIN_FILENO) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed duplicating STDIN\n");
execlp(argv[0], argv[0], NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to load program into child\n");
/// Parent execution
/// Create second child
switch(child_b = fork()) {
case -1:
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Couldn't fork child\n");
case 0:
/// Child execution
if(dup2(in_pipe_b[0], STDIN_FILENO) != STDIN_FILENO) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed duplicating STDIN\n");
execlp(argv[0], argv[0], NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to load program into child\n");
/// Parent execution
float x_mean = get_x_mean(head);
/// Separate the lists based on the mean
current = head;
char * first_part = malloc(point_num * __UINT8_MAX__);
char * second_part = malloc(point_num * __UINT8_MAX__);
while(current -> next != NULL) {
char point[__UINT8_MAX__];
if(current -> points[0] <= x_mean) {
/// Setup string for first child pipe
sprintf(point, "%f %f\n", current -> points[0], current -> points[1]);
strcat(first_part, point);
} else {
/// Setup string for second child pipe
sprintf(point, "%f %f\n", current -> points[0], current -> points[1]);
strcat(second_part, point);
current = current -> next;
* Send first half to first child
if(dup2(in_pipe_a[1], STDIN_FILENO) != STDIN_FILENO) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed duplicating STDIN\n");
/// Write to pipe
if (write(in_pipe_a[1], first_part, strlen(first_part)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed writing to child\n");
* Send second half to second child
if(dup2(in_pipe_b[1], STDIN_FILENO) != STDIN_FILENO) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed duplicating STDIN\n");
/// Write to pipe
if (write(in_pipe_b[1], second_part, strlen(second_part)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed writing to child\n");
/// Wait for the correct exit of the children
if(wait_for_termination(child_a) != EXIT_SUCCESS || wait_for_termination(child_b) != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Children didn't terminate successfully\n");
/// Free the memory
* @brief Function to calculate the mean of the X coordinates from a points list
* @details Loops through the points list, gets the sum of X coordinates and returns the mean
* @param head - a pointer to a list with the points
* @return mean of all X coordinates
float get_x_mean(node_t * head) {
node_t * current = head;
float x_sum = 0;
int i = 1;
while(current != NULL) {
x_sum += current -> points[0];
current = current -> next;
return x_sum/(i - 2); ///< TODO: Fix the bug with the 2 more iterations
* @brief Function to calculate the distance between 2 points
* @details The function calculates the distance between 2 points
* in a Cartesian coordinate system, given their coordinates
* @param x1, y1 - pair of coordinates for the first point
* x2, y2 - pair of coordinates for the second point
* @return distance between the two points
float get_distance(float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2) {
return sqrt(pow((x2 - x1), 2) + pow((y2 - y1), 2));
* @brief Function to find the shortest distance in a list
* @details The function gets a list of points and finds the pair
* with the shortest distance between them.
* @param list - the list with points
* @return res - a list containing the coordinates of the two closest points
node_t * find_shortest_distance(node_t * list) {
node_t * current = list;
node_t * next = list;
/// Setup the result list
node_t * res = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
res -> next = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
int current_shortest = 0;
int new_shortest = 0;
while(current != NULL) {
next = current -> next;
if(next != NULL) {
new_shortest = get_distance(current -> points[0], next -> points[0], current -> points[1], next -> points[1]);
if(new_shortest < current_shortest) {
current_shortest = new_shortest;
/// Save the pairs
res -> points[0] = current -> points[0];
res -> points[1] = current -> points[1];
res -> next -> points[0] = next -> points[0];
res -> next -> points[1] = next -> points[1];
current = next;
} else
return res;
* @briefs Function that waits for a child to close
* @details The function waits for a child to close.
* If it closes successfully, it returns the exit status only.
* Otherwise, it prints an error message and then returns the exit status.
* @param child - the pid of the child process
* @return the exist status of the child process
int wait_for_termination(pid_t child) {
int exit_stat = 0;
if(waitpid(child, &exit_stat, 0) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Child did not exit successfully\n");
return WEXITSTATUS(exit_stat);