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903 B
IBM CIC Coding Challenge - REST API
- Apache Tomcat
- Maven
Used Libraries and Frameworks
- Jersey RESTful Web Services Framework (https://jersey.github.io/)
- JSON in Java (https://github.com/stleary/JSON-java)
- Apache Commons IO (https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-io/)
Running the project
- Import the project in IntelliJ IDEA (preferred) or Eclipse
- Download the dependencies with Maven
- Start Apache Tomcat
Using the API
- After starting Apache Tomcat point your browser of choice to
- You can filter your request by adding the filter parameter as follows:
- Port
is the default one, you can set anything you'd like here - You can also access it online (https://ibm-cic.herokuapp.com/rest)
- After starting Apache Tomcat point your browser of choice to